Financial data

You are viewing an old revision of this post, from December 16, 2015 @ 07:50:34. See below for differences between this version and the current revision.

Management has sent out:

  • Budget 2016
  • Notes explaining each budget line
  • Condo fee list, effective January 1, 2016
  • Summary and proposed future funding plan for the Reserve Fund

If you did not receive the bailout or have questions, you may contact me.

  • Doug Brandy, VP/Secretary

Post Revisions:


December 16, 2015 @ 07:50:34Current Revision
Unchanged: Management has sent out:Unchanged: Management has sent out:
Unchanged: <ul>Unchanged: <ul>
Unchanged: <li>Budget 2016</li>Unchanged: <li>Budget 2016</li>
Unchanged: <li>Notes explaining each budget line</li>Unchanged: <li>Notes explaining each budget line</li>
Unchanged: <li>Condo fee list, effective January 1, 2016</li>Unchanged: <li>Condo fee list, effective January 1, 2016</li>
Unchanged: <li>Summary and proposed future funding plan for the Reserve Fund</li>Unchanged: <li>Summary and proposed future funding plan for the Reserve Fund</li>
Unchanged: </ul>Unchanged: </ul>
Deleted: If you did not receive the bailout or have questions, you may <a href="mailto: &quot;Financial data&quot;" target="_blank">contact me</a>. Added: If you did not receive the mailout or have questions, you may <a href="mailto: data" target="_blank">contact me</a>.
Unchanged: <ul>Unchanged: <ul>
Unchanged: <li>Doug Brandy, VP/Secretary</li>Unchanged: <li>Doug Brandy, VP/Secretary</li>
Unchanged: </ul>Unchanged: </ul>

Note: Spaces may be added to comparison text to allow better line wrapping.