
Office: 613-521-5759; Office Administrator, Cheryl Brulé:

  • 5:00 – 7:00 Tuesday evening
  • 6:30 – 8:30 Thursday evening
  • 10:00 – noon Saturday morning

Property Manager, Monica Murad: 613-742-5778 ext. 239: 8:30 – 5:00 weekdays or to leave a message after hours

Pager, to reach Supers, Joe Graziano and Jose Lazo: 613-239-4194

After hours emergencies: 613-239-4586

Booking an elevator: Office: 613-521-5759

Your input is important to me so please send me your comments.

This website is for the use and benefit of Frobisher Place residents, guests and visitors. I hope you enjoy browsing our pages (links under the graphic above) and posts (links to the right or below). You may find older posts in the monthly archives.

Some of our pages ask for a password. The password is the same as for online newsletters and appears in the printed copies of the newsletter but if you are a Frobisher Place resident or non-resident owner you may request the password from me.

Do you find this website useful? Would you like to see more info? Please tell me what you think by sending me email.

As a Board member, I’m looking for your input, ideas and advice about issues important to you. If you’re willing to work with me, with a view to creating a successful and positive Frobisher Place, please send me email.

If you don’t have Internet access please drop me a line at Unit 606 or phone 613-804-0882. Please be sure to let me know your phone number so I can get back to you.

– Doug Brandy, Unit 606

Doug and dogs
Doug with friends