Proposed new by-law

You are viewing an old revision of this post, from June 21, 2012 @ 06:48:29. See below for differences between this version and the current revision.

The proposed bylaw was on the agenda of the April 17 owners meeting. Shortly after the meeting began, a motion passed to table further discussion to the June 20, 2012 AGM to give a committee of owners and representatives of the Board an opportunity to meet to further refine the bylaw. There were not enough owners at the AGM to approve the bylaw.

The price of democracy is eternal vigilance.

– Thomas Jefferson


Preparing a bylaw

If you’d like to comment please email me.

Post Revisions:


June 21, 2012 @ 06:48:29Current Revision
Unchanged: The <a href="http:// Bylaw11.pdf" target="_blank">proposed bylaw</a> was on the agenda of the April 17 owners meeting. Shortly after the meeting began, a motion passed to table further discussion to the June 20, 2012 AGM to give a committee of owners and representatives of the Board an opportunity to meet to further refine the bylaw. There were not enough owners at the AGM to approve the bylaw.Unchanged: The <a href="http:// Bylaw11.pdf" target="_blank">proposed bylaw</a> was on the agenda of the April 17 owners meeting. Shortly after the meeting began, a motion passed to table further discussion to the June 20, 2012 AGM to give a committee of owners and representatives of the Board an opportunity to meet to further refine the bylaw. There were not enough owners at the AGM to approve the bylaw.
 Added: August-September, 2012: The Governance Committee is currently refining the bylaw and the Board will arrange an owner's meeting this fall.
Unchanged: <blockquote>The price of democracy is eternal vigilance.Unchanged: <blockquote>The price of democracy is eternal vigilance.
Unchanged: - Thomas Jefferson</blockquote>Unchanged: - Thomas Jefferson</blockquote>
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Deleted: <a href="http:// uploads/2012/ 04/MC900289960.jpg"><img class="size-medium wp-image-107" title="MC900289960" src=" wp-content/uploads/2012/04/ MC900289960-300x246.jpg" alt="Library" width="300" height="246" /></a> Added: <a href="http:// uploads/2012/ 04/MC900289960.jpg"><img class="size-medium wp-image-107" title="MC900289960" src=" wp-content/uploads/2012/04/ MC900289960-300x246.jpg" alt="Library" width="300" height="246" /></a>
Unchanged: </div>Unchanged: </div>
Unchanged: If you'd like to comment <a href="mailto:">please email me.</a>Unchanged: If you'd like to comment <a href="mailto:">please email me.</a>

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