Windows monitoring

You are viewing an old revision of this post, from December 5, 2012 @ 08:42:52. See below for differences between this version and the current revision.

It’s important for us to continue to monitor the performance of installed windows and balcony doors. Here are checklists:

Word version: Window_monitoring _checklist_web

PDF: Window monitoring checklist

If you prefer, you may download the Word version and email it to us as an attachment.

Post Revisions:


December 5, 2012 @ 08:42:52Current Revision
Unchanged: It's important for us to continue to monitor the performance of installed windows and balcony doors. Here are checklists:Unchanged: It's important for us to continue to monitor the performance of installed windows and balcony doors. Here are checklists:
Deleted: Word version: <a href="http:// uploads/2012/ 12/Window_monitoring- _checklist_web.docx" >Window_monitoring _checklist_web</a> Added: Word version: <a href="http:// uploads/2012/ 12/Window_monitoring- _checklist_web1.docx" >Window_monitoring _checklist_web</a>
Deleted: PDF: <a href="http:// uploads/2012/ 12/Window-monitoring- checklist.pdf">Window monitoring checklist</a> Added: PDF: <a href="http:// uploads/2012/ 12/Window-monitoring- checklist1.pdf">Window monitoring checklist</a>
Unchanged: If you prefer, you may download the Word version and <a title="Email Doug" href="mailto:">email it to us</a> as an attachment.Unchanged: If you prefer, you may download the Word version and <a title="Email Doug" href="mailto:">email it to us</a> as an attachment.

Note: Spaces may be added to comparison text to allow better line wrapping.