A green future

You are viewing an old revision of this post, from September 19, 2012 @ 12:54:20. See below for differences between this version and the current revision.

The August 18 Ottawa Citizen carried an article, “OCH boards the green express”. The article discussed exciting initiatives at Ottawa Community Housing. I think we could follow some of their examples.

They have set up raised vegetable and herb gardens on part of their grounds. We have a small raised herb garden now at Frobisher Place but we could consider a more ambitious plan in the future. I believe the membrane covering the parking garage will eventually need replacing. This will probably mean tearing up most or all of the side yard. Why not use at least part of that yard for a vegetable garden after the membrane work is completed?

OCH has installed a solar wall that reduces winter operating costs for a 17-story building. Could we do something similar?

OCH’s third green move is roof-mounted solar panels. The article claims the electricity generated goes into the electrical grid, bringing in $250,000 annually from the Ontario Power Authority. I’ve learned from the solar system we installed at our cottage that a solar system requires a significant initial setup but pays for itself and more in the long run. I’m also impressed with how well our system works even in winter.

I have another cottage-inspired idea not mentioned by the Citizen. If we installed eaves troughs along the edge of the parking garage roof we could place large barrels under the ends to catch  rain water. We could use that water on our plants. We would need to cover such barrels with screens to keep out curious wildlife.

Except for rain water, I’ve not discussed any of these ideas with the Board. If you think we should pursue any of them at Frobisher Place please contact me or other Directors.

Doug Brandy

Post Revisions:


September 19, 2012 @ 12:54:20Current Revision
Unchanged: The August 18 Ottawa Citizen carried an article, "OCH boards the green express". The article discussed exciting initiatives at Ottawa Community Housing. I think we could follow some of their examples.Unchanged: The August 18 Ottawa Citizen carried an article, "OCH boards the green express". The article discussed exciting initiatives at Ottawa Community Housing. I think we could follow some of their examples.
Unchanged: They have set up raised vegetable and herb gardens on part of their grounds. We have a small raised herb garden now at Frobisher Place but we could consider a more ambitious plan in the future. I believe the membrane covering the parking garage will eventually need replacing. This will probably mean tearing up most or all of the side yard. Why not use at least part of that yard for a vegetable garden after the membrane work is completed?Unchanged: They have set up raised vegetable and herb gardens on part of their grounds. We have a small raised herb garden now at Frobisher Place but we could consider a more ambitious plan in the future. I believe the membrane covering the parking garage will eventually need replacing. This will probably mean tearing up most or all of the side yard. Why not use at least part of that yard for a vegetable garden after the membrane work is completed?
Unchanged: OCH has installed a solar wall that reduces winter operating costs for a 17-story building. Could we do something similar?Unchanged: OCH has installed a solar wall that reduces winter operating costs for a 17-story building. Could we do something similar?
Unchanged: OCH's third green move is roof-mounted solar panels. The article claims the electricity generated goes into the electrical grid, bringing in $250,000 annually from the Ontario Power Authority. I've learned from the solar system we installed at our cottage that a solar system requires a significant initial setup but pays for itself and more in the long run. I'm also impressed with how well our system works even in winter.Unchanged: OCH's third green move is roof-mounted solar panels. The article claims the electricity generated goes into the electrical grid, bringing in $250,000 annually from the Ontario Power Authority. I've learned from the solar system we installed at our cottage that a solar system requires a significant initial setup but pays for itself and more in the long run. I'm also impressed with how well our system works even in winter.
Unchanged: I have another cottage-inspired idea not mentioned by the Citizen. If we installed eaves troughs along the edge of the parking garage roof we could place large barrels under the ends to catch  rain water. We could use that water on our plants. We would need to cover such barrels with screens to keep out curious wildlife.Unchanged: I have another cottage-inspired idea not mentioned by the Citizen. If we installed eaves troughs along the edge of the parking garage roof we could place large barrels under the ends to catch  rain water. We could use that water on our plants. We would need to cover such barrels with screens to keep out curious wildlife.
Unchanged: Except for rain water, I've not discussed any of these ideas with the Board. If you think we should pursue any of them at Frobisher Place please contact me or other Directors.Unchanged: Except for rain water, I've not discussed any of these ideas with the Board. If you think we should pursue any of them at Frobisher Place please contact me or other Directors.
Deleted: Doug BrandyAdded: <a title="Email Doug" href="mailto: dbrandy0882@rogers.com">Doug Brandy</a>

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