
You are viewing an old revision of this post, from July 30, 2012 @ 21:00:58. See below for differences between this version and the current revision.

The Frobisher Place summer BBQ will be on Wed., August 15. Rain date is the following day, August 16.

Post Revisions:


July 30, 2012 @ 21:00:58Current Revision
Deleted: The Frobisher Place summer BBQ will be on Wed., August 15. Rain date is the following day, August 16.Added: The Frobisher Place summer BBQ was held on Wed., August 15. It was well attended and everyone enjoyed this social event. Thanks to the Social Committee, the Coffee and Chat group and our chef, Rene.<a href="http:// uploads/2012/ 07/bbq1.jpg"><img class="alignleft size-medium wp-image-186" title="bbq1" src=" wp-content/uploads/2012/07/ bbq1-231x300.jpg" alt="" width="231" height="300" /></a>

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