Did you know? Director qualifications

What are the qualifications required to be a Frobisher Place Director?

Do you have to be an owner? Reasonable guess but incorrect.

Must you live at Frobisher Place? Reasonable again but also incorrect.

In fact, you need only to be at least 18 years of age, not bankrupt and not declared mentally incompetent.

For more details, see the Condo Act., Article 29 and our By-law #3, Article VI, 3., included with our Declaration.

Please watch for more “Did you know?”. I intend to make it a frequent feature on this site.

One thought on “Did you know? Director qualifications

  1. I have no clue why this condo is in the state it is in. We finally got out of the window mess and obtained a new management company, which was not my first choice. The focus right away from the company was fire alarm inspection, and now here we are again, years late spending all of out investment on one sole issue that has yet again ballooned.

    Is it that this condo just wants to waste our money and time? Our investment has depreciated, the condo looks old, dated and neglected.

    Thank you Doug for your service on the board. I can attest that you had only the best interest of the owners while there. it is as if the board has no real training on what the principle are to be a board member.


    Boards should not turn into exclusive social clubs protecting directors or managers who fail in their duties. Rather, board members owe their allegiance to their condo, the Act, the rules and by-laws. Boards do not represent themselves nor the management: They represent owners and should be accountable to them.

    A Good Board:

    Communicates with owners and residents on a regular basis, explains its decisions, openly discusses problems and victories, has a policy of transparency and truthfulnes. Postings on bulletin boards accessible to all residents are key in this respect. Information meetings may take place occasionally.
    Addresses residents’ legitimate complaints/concerns/requests and respects useful suggestions.

    Lack of communication and disregard for owners and condo assets are at the root of most condo problems. It’s the main red flag and it is reflected below in many problems in the section on what constitutes a “bad” board.

    Follows and enforces condo rules consistently and for everyone: Board members have to follow rules themselves if they expect others to follow them and should not show favouritism.
    Exercises due diligence regarding contracts for repairs, maintenance, and staffing. In other words, a good board seeks tenders. When maintenance problems arise, a good board not only seeks advice from non-interested parties (to avoid conflicts of interest), but also asks if there is a better and less expensive solution than the one suggested by contractors. (Click here for Issues of Fraud, Kickbacks and Conflict of Interest for problems raised by readers.)
    Is constituted of members who have no axe to grind or a vested interest or a personal agenda.
    Always respects a condo’s finances, assets, and owners’ monies.
    Makes certain that the premises are well maintained and that the staff is competent and hard working.

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