Condo act renewal

You are viewing an old revision of this post, from March 11, 2013 @ 06:30:37. See below for differences between this version and the current revision.

Ontario’s Condominium Act Review is a three-stage collaborative, public engagement process aimed at modernizing the Condominium Act.

If you browse through the site linked above and its related pages you’ll find an interesting theme. Choosing a condo as your home means much more than simply finding a different place to hang your hat. A successful condominium is where residents know one another and care for their community.

Comments on the Stage One Report, which highlighted the major areas of concern to be addressed in the re-vamping of the Condominium Act, must be made by March 11, 2013.  You can e-mail your comments to the government.

Post Revisions:


March 11, 2013 @ 06:30:37Current Revision
Unchanged: <a href="http:// Pages/condo_rev.aspx" target="_blank">Ontario's Condominium Act Review</a> is a three-stage collaborative, public engagement process aimed at modernizing the <a href="http:// statutes/english/ elaws_statutes_ 98c19_e.htm" target="_blank" >Condominium Act<em>.</em></a>Unchanged: <a href="http:// Pages/condo_rev.aspx" target="_blank">Ontario's Condominium Act Review</a> is a three-stage collaborative, public engagement process aimed at modernizing the <a href="http:// statutes/english/ elaws_statutes_ 98c19_e.htm" target="_blank" >Condominium Act<em>.</em></a>
Unchanged: If you browse through the site linked above and its related pages you'll find an interesting theme. Choosing a condo as your home means much more than simply finding a different place to hang your hat. A successful condominium is where residents know one another and care for their community.Unchanged: If you browse through the site linked above and its related pages you'll find an interesting theme. Choosing a condo as your home means much more than simply finding a different place to hang your hat. A successful condominium is where residents know one another and care for their community.
Deleted: Comments on the <a href="http:// Pages/condo_rev.aspx">Stage One Report</a>, which highlighted the major areas of concern to be addressed in the re-vamping of the Condominium Act, must be made by March 11, 2013.  You can <a href="mailto:">e-mail your comments</a> to the government. Added: Comments on the <a href="http:// Pages/condo_rev.aspx">Stage One Report</a>, which highlighted the major areas of concern to be addressed in the re-vamping of the Condominium Act, were to be be made by March 11, 2013.  You can <a href="mailto:">e-mail your comments</a> to the government.

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