Town hall report

Highlights of our October 2 Town Hall


  • Board member, Nicolas volunteered to have one of his windows sent to Montreal for testing by an independent engineering lab
  • We have held back 14% of payments to the installer
  • If windows testing goes OK second phase of installation will occur next spring

Air conditioners:

  • Need to be winterized
  • Inspection will be done in Nov.

Elevator problems:

  • Service company has been called and must come each time there is a problem

Lawn in bad shape on side facing Riverside Dr.:

  • This will be addressed after ash trees are cut

Plumbing issues:

  • Camera survey being done then purging of pipes

Garbage pickup:


  • Have been seen in many locations
  • We need whole building treated
  • All residents must agree to a treatment program
  • See also Pharaoh Ants

Doug Brandy, Director