Annual General Meeting

The 2013 Frobisher Place AGM will take place on Tuesday, June 11 at the Lycée Claudel. We intend to register owners and proxies from 6:30 to 7:00 p.m. and hold the meeting in the auditorium from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m.

Notice of the meeting, the agenda and info on election of Directors has been circulated within Frobisher Place.

Approved by the Board, CCC #82

Emergency evacuation

We must be prepared in cases of emergencies such as a fire when elevators will not be operating. We need to know if you will need help evacuating the building.

Please make sure the office is aware if you have mobility issues or might have difficulty hearing an alarm. Your information will be kept confidential and used only if needed.

Approved by the Board, CCC #82

Home support

The South-East Ottawa Community Health Centre (SEOCHC) presented a workshop re home support for seniors and disabled adults on Tuesday, March 26. Fifteen Frobisher Place residents attended.

SEOCHC’s services include:

  • cleaning and maintenance in your home
  • personal care and companionship
  • friendly visits
  • primary care outreach
  • drives to appointments and shopping
  • bereavement support
  • caregiver support
  • managing chronic illness
  • referral to doctors for those who don’t have a family doctor
  • nutrition support

The list above shows some of what’s available. For more info: 613-737-5115

Approved by the Board, CCC #82

Posted notices

From time to time we post notices beside and in the elevators and lobby. These are intended to make residents aware of upcoming maintenance and occasional social events. Some notices have been removed or written on by persons unknown.

Removing a notice does not prevent the announced work from going ahead. The removal may just mean some of us might not become aware of what’s planned.

If you have comments about particular notices or notices in general you may send them to me.

Approved by the Board, CCC #82

Insurance for your unit

Some recent incidents have underscored the importance of insurance. You should make sure you have a policy that covers your personal possessions as well as any improvements and renovations you have made to your unit. In the event of damage and irrespective of who was at fault, the Corporation’s obligation to repair will extend only to the Standard Unit definitions. In addition, your insurance may be required to cover the Corporation’s deductible.

The Condominium Act, particularly Sections 99 – 106, discusses insurance in condos. You should also be aware of our applicable Bylaws. You may access the Insurance Bylaw #7, and the Standard Unit Bylaw #8, through our Links page.

We will soon schedule a town hall or information session with an insurance expert. We hope to see you there.

Approved by the Board, CCC #82

Fire alarms

There was a false alarm around 1 a.m. this morning, March 7. Fortunately there was no actual fire but residents should treat all alarms seriously. The proper procedure is to evacuate the building promptly by way of the stairs.

Let’s do our part to keep our community safe.