New developments

1. There is now an automatic door opener at the side entrance, facing the side of the garage. You will still need your fob.

2. If you have items you would like to sell, buy or exchange through our website please email me.

3. I have recently updated several of this site’s pages.

4. Frobisher Place owners may view a draft of the proposed new Bylaw #11 and a cover letter with more info. There will be an information session in the Party Room, Tuesday, November 27 at 7:00 p.m.

Condo network

We would like to organise an informal network of Ottawa-area condo Boards. The network would help us exchange info on issues we may have in common.

If you are a Director at another condo we would like to hear from you.

Doug Brandy, Director, Frobisher Place

Swimming pool

Ottawa Public Health is now satisfied with the measures taken by Castleview Towers. Frobisher Place residents should feel safe in using the pool once more.

If you experience any problems you believe could have resulted from use of the pool please phone Ottawa Public Health at 613-580-6744.



The Decorating Committee is proposing new paint colours for the lobby and the Perrier (Party) Room. The paints are all found in the Randall C2 series and you may view them below but please note that a computer monitor’s display might only approximate the paint when it’s applied to a wall or ceiling.

080 “Milk Moustache” for the lobby and Perrier Room ceilings

milk moustache





124 “Sundown” would replace the Perrier Room’s current dark green






126 “Buffed” would replace the Perrier Room’s current light green






330 “Cappuccino Froth”  would replace the current khaki green

Cappuccino Froth





If you have comments you may email me and I will pass them on to the Decorating Committee and the Board.

– Doug Brandy


Town hall report

Highlights of our October 2 Town Hall


  • Board member, Nicolas volunteered to have one of his windows sent to Montreal for testing by an independent engineering lab
  • We have held back 14% of payments to the installer
  • If windows testing goes OK second phase of installation will occur next spring

Air conditioners:

  • Need to be winterized
  • Inspection will be done in Nov.

Elevator problems:

  • Service company has been called and must come each time there is a problem

Lawn in bad shape on side facing Riverside Dr.:

  • This will be addressed after ash trees are cut

Plumbing issues:

  • Camera survey being done then purging of pipes

Garbage pickup:


  • Have been seen in many locations
  • We need whole building treated
  • All residents must agree to a treatment program
  • See also Pharaoh Ants

Doug Brandy, Director



Pharaoh Ants

Any building-wide pharaoh ant program must have the consent of all Frobisher Place residents. The Board will be sending a notice to all residents and will make efforts to survey your views. In the meantime, please see the links below. Contact me if you wish – Doug Brandy

I have provided some links below with info on pharaoh ants. You could find more with a Google search.


Rentokil, Pharaoh Ant

Boradust, a product used by some pest control companies

Pest Control Canada

eHow, How to Get Rid of Pharaoh Ants

Alberta Health Service

How to Get Rid of Pharaoh Ants