About doug

Retired Professor, Algonquin College, Ottawa.

New Board

Following the June 29, 2016 AGM:

Your Board for 2016-17 (expiry of current term):

President: Heinrich Teworte (2019)

Vice-President/Secretary: Doug Brandy (2017)

Treasurer: Jeremias Gramcko (2018)

Directors: Don Banks (2019), Chris Bulman (2017), Jeff Montroy 2017), Dominic Roszak (2018)

This info is also on our home page where any changes will be reported.

Upcoming events

Monthly info session

Provided by the Board

Monday, May 30, 6:00-7:00 p.m., Perrier Room

Paint day

Thursday, June 2, 10:00-noon, Perrier Room

We have to order supplies and materials, so we must know how many people are coming. Maximum 18 people.

Bring an apron or old shirt, and wear old clothes and shoes.
Acrylic paint won’t wash out!

Sponsored by Coffee & Chat, and paid for by your bottle donations and ticket purchases.

Traffic and roadway notes

Bruce Kenny, Senior Project Manager, Infrastructure Services Department, City of Ottawa provided answers to these questions:

Q: When will the roadway leading to the Lycee be closed?

A: The closure of Old Riverside Drive on each side of the Hospital Link is expected to be closed in mid June 2016 based on our current schedule.  We would like to wait until the end of the school year however the closure date is linked to some important railway bridge construction work which cannot be delayed.

Q: When do you anticipate that the city will have our section of the Frobisher road repaired and resurfaced?

A: The resurfacing of Frobisher is outside of the scope of the Hospital Link project which is funded from development funds.

Related info.

Pot luck dinner

Wednesday, April 20, 5:30-7:00 in the Party Room

Bring your own cutlery, plate and beverage.

Contribute a casserole, salad, vegetable dish or dessert.

There will be a 50/50 draw and a trivia challenge.

More info.

AVHL night work

Please note details of upcoming railway work. RAILWAY CUTOVER ONTO DETOUR TRACKS REVISED SCHEDULE FOR NIGHT OPERATIONS is as follows Friday night June 17 to Friday morning June 24, 2016.

Organic waste and composting info

On Sunday, March 20, 2016 in the Perrier Room we discussed the What, Why and How of the new organic waste disposal green bin program. Several residents left with in-unit buckets, committed to collecting their kitchen waste. The buckets may be emptied into the green bins in the garbage room near the delivery entrance on the lobby level.

See also the City of Ottawa list of what goes in a green bin.

Questions or concerns? You may contact Doug Brandy.


On January 26, 2016 I sent this note to the office of our City of Ottawa councillor, David Chernushenko:

Our condo is across from the Smyth OC Transpo station. Many pedestrians walk to the station at all hours. There is a sidewalk only on our side of Riverside Drive and many of the pedestrians walk on the street to the station on the other side. This presents a hazard with vehicle traffic, especially at night and in winter when the street is narrowed.

I received this reply:

“This section of Riverside Drive is classified as a Local roadway, and provides direct access to transit, so qualifies for a sidewalk.  A sidewalk is provided, along the east side of the road where the land use destinations and points of origin are situated.  This satisfies the Council approved policy for sidewalks on this type of roadway.  Any opportunity to consider implementing a second sidewalk on the west side would be at the time of future road reconstruction on this segment or redevelopment of the surrounding lands, if any.”

In short, once this road is scheduled for reconstruction another sidewalk will be considered.
The same criteria exists for all existing infrastructure, like in Heron Park for instance.