About doug

Retired Professor, Algonquin College, Ottawa.

Plugged drains

In case of a clogged drain we recommend using a mechanical snake. Please contact the office to fill out a work order or contact the superintendents via the pager, 613-239-4194.

Grease or cooking oil can plug drains but whatever the cause, we strongly advise against the use of chemical drain uncloggers. Such products harm the environment and many are corrosive, discolouring drain fixtures and porcelain bowls.

Most of our building’s in-wall drains are copper or steel. Chemical drain cleaners dissolve away some of that metal with each use. Over the years repeated applications will weaken pipes and cause leaks. Please do not use such cleaners.

If for some reason a chemical drain unclogger absolutely must be used please purchase one that is labelled “Safe for all pipes: PVC, Plastic, Copper, Old Pipes”. Follow all safety and usage instructions and do not let the product sit in the drain pipes any longer than the manufacturer recommends. Rinse thoroughly with hot water. Keep in mind that even products labelled “as safe for all pipes” do corrode copper and steel pipes and thin the pipe walls with every use.

AVHL January update

Among other developments, “There is the possibility of night work being required for the installation of the railway shoring system along the VIA Rail tracks. Shoring may potentially start early in the new year, however updates will be provided once a firm shoring schedule is determined.” More details.

Waste disposal

We are trying to help Frobisher Place residents disposing of waste items and materials. We appreciate your cooperation, as following this guide will reduce unnecessary work for the staff and improve the environment for everyone.

Household garbage:

1. Small bags

Drop small, sealed bags into the garbage chutes located on each floor. Please avoid including material listed in one of the special categories below.

2. Larger garbage bags

Bring bags that are too large for the chutes to the garbage room near the delivery entrance on the lobby level. The door is FOB activated. There are large bins that are emptied every week and sent to the landfill (euphemistic term for “dump”).

Special items:

3. Large bulky items such as used furniture and appliances

The City will pick up such items at the curb. If you need help please contact the staff.

4. Paper, cardboard

There are large yellow bins on P1 and P2 for this recyclable material. Posters listing acceptable paper products are on or near the bins. Please also refer to the website at the end of this guide.

5. Shredded paper

Please put your shredded paper into a paper bag then drop it into a special, marked bin on P1. Shredded paper should not go into the large yellow bins because it tends to blow around in a flurry on collection day.

6. Books

Finished reading? Instead of throwing your book away please donate it to our library on P2.

7. Small appliances

If your old toaster oven, coffee maker or microwave is still usable please consider the recycle room on P2.

8. Refundable containers

Beer cans & bottles, liquor bottles, wine bottles and bags are refundable. Please bring them to the recycle room on P2. From there, volunteers will take them periodically to the Beer Store. The money is collected to use in building improvements.

9. Metal

If an empty can is not refundable or you have other small waste metal please place it in the blue bins on P1 or P2. It’s advisable to rinse out cans first. Posters listing acceptable metal products are on or near the bins. Please also refer to the website at the end of this guide. Avoid plastic bags in all bins. Plastic bags may cause the entire bin to be diverted to the landfill.

10. Glass

If your empty bottles are not refundable please place them in the blue bins on P1 or P2. It’s advisable to rinse out bottles first. Posters listing acceptable glass products are on or near the bins. Please also refer to the website at the end of this guide. Do not put plastic bags in any bins. Plastic bags and anything in them will be separated and diverted to the landfill.

11. Plastic

Please place used plastic items in the blue bins on P1 or P2. Posters listing acceptable plastic are on or near the bins. Please also refer to the website at the end of this guide. Do not put a bag full of plastic items into a bin; empty the bag into the bin instead.

12. Styrofoam

In the regular garbage.

13. Plastic bags

In the regular garbage.

14. Organic waste, including cat litter

We have made arrangements for disposal of biodegradable material. The City will be insisting on proper disposal of it in future. We issue small, plastic in-unit compost buckets that you empty into a large green bin located in the garbage room on the lobby level. Please contact the office, if you need a bucket or more info.

15. Fat, grease, oil from cooking

Liquids should be stored in a paper cup in your freezer and transferred to your in-unit compost container when it’s time to empty it. Please do not rinse greasy material down the sink. It clogs up the drains.

16. Dog waste

After you have picked up in the yard after your dog, please place your bag in the bin near the herb garden.

17. Cell phones

They can be dropped of at a “Take it Back Partner” such as The Source in Billings Bridge. As well: Bell World, Billings Bridge Mall; Value Village 1824 Bank Street

18. Other electronics

Old TVs, computer equipment and so on should go to a proper depot, such as The Salvation Army, Alta Vista near Bank St. Materials within electronic equipment can be salvaged and reused. Please also refer to the Take it Back Partner website mentioned under Cell Phones. A partial list:

Habitat Restore Ottawa East, 2370 Walkley Rd., Best Buy, 380 Coventry Road and 2210 Bank Street (South Keys), All Staples Stores

19. Hazardous material

You should take used batteries, CFL light bulbs, paint and chemicals to accepting depots. You may locate these depots through the City Of Ottawa website. Here is a partial list:

Batteries: Ottawa Library branches, Best Buy, Ikea, Lowe’s, Rona, Staples, Mountain Equipment Coop, Home Depot, The Source, DeWalt on Gladwin Cres,  Christie and Water at 570 Industrial

CFL bulbs: Rona, Lowe’s Kanata, Ikea, City of Ottawa Special Waste Depots

20. Prescription drugs

Unused drugs should not go into regular garbage. Neither should you flush them down the toilet. Please check with your pharmacy where they should be accepted for proper disposal. Note: you should always finish taking antibiotics according to your doctor’s instructions. Don’t stop because you seem to be feeling better.

For more info see the City of Ottawa website.

Electronic display boards

We are looking into electronic message boards that would replace the paper notices frequently posted in the lobby and in and near the elevators. There are questions about the content that would be displayed:

  • Who decides what will be displayed?
  • What criteria would be established around content?
  • Will owners/residents be able to post info? If so, what types of notices?
  • Will the boards also display external info such as weather forecasts, street closures, traffic disruptions?

I would like to hear from residents on this. Please contact me.

Doug Brandy, VP/Secretary

Financial data

Management has sent out:

  • Budget 2016
  • Notes explaining each budget line
  • Condo fee list, effective January 1, 2016
  • Summary and proposed future funding plan for the Reserve Fund

If you did not receive the mailout or have questions, you may contact me.

  • Doug Brandy, VP/Secretary

Sustainable business

For too long we have been told by governments and corporations that the future of our planet is someone else’s responsibility. With a new government and increasing awareness of the importance of the environment, it’s time for all of us to assume more stewardship of sustainable practices.

As described in Wikipedia, “Sustainable business, or green business, is an enterprise that has minimal negative impact on the global or local environment, community, society, or economy”.

At the October 26 information session held before the Board meeting, I introduced the concept of sustainable business. I discussed with owners my suggestion that sustainability should be an asset for firms seeking to do business with CCC #82. There was significant interest in the idea but some legitimate concerns. We understand initial costs for some projects could be higher in the short term but savings might accrue over time.

Some points raised:

  • We should strive to be “green” ourselves before expecting it of others.
  • Given that many of our owners are seniors, what is a reasonable payback period?
  • How do we determine that a business is truly operating on sustainable principles and not just “greenwashing”?

There are a number of ways Frobisher Place can be more green:

  • We installed new windows throughout the building. Initial indications point to reduced gas consumption as a result. Those findings should be updated.
  • We have taken other steps to reduce our natural gas consumption and received incentive grants from Enbridge.
  • We reduced electricity consumption and received incentive grants from Hydro Ottawa.
  • We should continue to look at ways to further reduce energy consumption by measures such as LED lighting.
  • We should design an education campaign to make residents aware of ways to reduce energy consumption such as use of Energy Star appliances, turning off lights when not in use, keeping windows closed.
  • Recognising that owners with electric vehicles must pay separately for battery charging, we should nonetheless show that we are receptive to green vehicle use.
  • We should be open to consideration of other emerging, energy saving technologies.
  • We should investigate organic waste disposal options.
  • We can reduce paper use by relying more on electronic communication.
  • We should examine our investments to ensure our funds are with environmentally and socially responsible organisations.

Older owners have understandable concerns about paying higher condo fees now for measures that cost more today but mainly benefit younger owners in the future. At the October 26 session it was suggested a 5-year payback period be used as a guide. For example, the initial cost of LEDs would need to be offset by the lower cost of electricity over 5 years. Ikea has various LED bulbs.

Greenwashing is essentially using PR to pretend to be sustainable. Recent news coverage of coffee cup disposal at Starbucks and Tim Hortons and the Volkswagen emissions scandal come to mind. When we send out requests for proposals we should ask bidders to show us how green they are. We could use the information they provide in assessing their merit.

I propose that we include sustainability as a criterion when considering proposals from outside companies seeking to do business with us. I volunteer to lead this initiative and will move an appropriate associated motion at the Board.

Doug Brandy, Thursday, November 5, 2015

October 26 info session

Website enhancement

Our home page now includes a form allowing you to subscribe to email updates.

Lobby improvements

The Board is reviewing quotes for removal of wallpaper, drywall repair and painting. This work should take place during the coming winter.

Exercise room improvements

The Board is considering renovations and revisions to the gym, table tennis and billiards rooms.

Christmas social

Mark Wednesday, December 9 on your calendar for this annual dinner event.


With the assistance of legal counsel, the Board is refining the draft language of proposed Bylaw 11 (operating) and Bylaw 12 (modifications to common elements, parking and locker assignments). At the info session we discussed the pros and cons of allowing nominations from the floor for Director elections at the AGM.

Sustainable business

I will be making a proposal to the Board that sustainable business practices be considered as one of the criteria in selecting firms for contracts with Frobisher Place. Some points to consider:

  • Before asking outside companies to be sustainable we should establish sustainability as our own principle
  • Costs should always be important in selecting bids for work
  • A 5-year payback period might be a good guideline
  • When sending out requests for proposals we could ask bidders to provide info on how “green” they are


Owners are concerned about unauthorized entry to our building. Unknown persons may enter or try to enter when residents are coming through the front door. If this happens you may ask such persons where they are going. If you are not comfortable or cannot do so you should seek one of the staff if it’s during working hours. If it’s outside working hours, call the pager number: 613-239-4194

Fire system upgrade

While not discussed during the main info session, I was asked about this afterwards. You may expect an update at a town hall tentatively scheduled for Sunday, November 29.


It was noted that disabled residents and visitors have difficulty at our front entrance and the side, delivery entrance is not suited for disabled access. I will bring this to the attention of our Property Manager. It was also noted that the auto doors near the recycle bins on P2 may not stay open long enough for a mobility challenged person to pass through. I have taken this up with the Board.

Follow up

The next info session will be at 5:30, Monday, November 16. In the meantime you may email me.

Doug Brandy, VP/Secretary, October 27, 2015